(eng) Interview with Valentin 3. apríla 2023 podcast 3 Komentáre We met Valentin to discuss work, clouds and IT. joinit(eng) Interview with Valentin Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 1:05:57 3 Comments Dana 4. apríla 2023 o 9:10 Odpovedať Valetin wanted to say he will come if he gets approval from his wifey but he was just too shy :)) join3r Autor článku 4. apríla 2023 o 13:25 Odpovedať Perhaps if she was invited too, it would be less of an issue? 🙂 Dana 28. apríla 2023 o 10:04 Odpovedať I think it would be more fun as guys „date“. Pridaj komentár Zrušiť odpoveďVaša e-mailová adresa nebude zverejnená. Vyžadované polia sú označené *Komentár * Meno * E-mail * Adresa webu Uložiť moje meno, e-mail a webovú stránku v tomto prehliadači pre moje budúce komentáre. ΔTáto webová stránka používa Akismet na redukciu spamu. Získajte viac informácií o tom, ako sú vaše údaje z komentárov spracovávané.
Dana 4. apríla 2023 o 9:10 Odpovedať Valetin wanted to say he will come if he gets approval from his wifey but he was just too shy :))
join3r Autor článku 4. apríla 2023 o 13:25 Odpovedať Perhaps if she was invited too, it would be less of an issue? 🙂
Valetin wanted to say he will come if he gets approval from his wifey but he was just too shy :))
Perhaps if she was invited too, it would be less of an issue? 🙂
I think it would be more fun as guys „date“.